How to work with forex advisor ZET


A short video course Installation Advisor


  Basic Concepts
Installation Advisor in MT4 is not under the Administrator (VPS)
Verifies that the advisor
Requirements to account
Description of settings commands
Templates, strategy
Rules for optimization
Optimized test data
Templates for ZET - Optimization
Save the template test
Do on the test pattern from the archive
Set the test pattern in the Advisor
Strategy Bowstring
Time News
Terms of trade during the holiday season
Additional Information
Questions and Answers

A few rules Installation Advisor in MT-4        


Basic Concepts

Regards, carefully read the instructions that would not be repeated in the questions. If complications arise for installing, configuring write or use the feedback.
1 - do not rush!
2 - Carefully read the instructions, it says it all, then you do not want to copy part of the instructions and answer the questions, we appreciate your and my time.
3 - If you have questions, I propose to read the FAQ section where the answer to frequently asked questions.
Depending on the version you have purchased Advisor (ZET_vA6, ZET_vA7, ZET_vA8) you get to make certain settings. Description versions advisor in Price. If you have an older version, for example ZET_vA8 you can increase it to version 2 or 3 by making pay the difference in cost versions.

The adviser works within the day, refers to the category of scalping, the direction is determined by the input one indicator MA or ZZ. Advisor takes a small deposit of $ 0.5 per item 0.01. If the price goes toward the entrance, the adviser determines the second input on a sliding grid and averaging closes at a profit. Advisor can be adjusted to increase the size of the lot with an adverse price movement, as well configurable option to increase profit by increasing the number of opened orders in one series. If the indicator has changed its direction, and the positions are not closed, the adviser can trade in two directions as Long and short at the same time.

It should be understood that the adviser is only a mathematical program written according to certain rules of conduct and that the market would Advisor to work properly and bring you profit, you need to work with him. If you think you have to put the program and it will start the wizard you tirelessly to make money, then you are wrong with the counselor should work.
CAUTION Do not forget that each broker has its own nuances, spreads, not planned jumps candles, cutting part of the graph, slip, etc., on this, in any case, the need to test an expert on the account of your broker.

CAUTION Each broker at the terminal MT4 may differ, this check.
CAUTION If in the course of the EA you choose to withdraw or replenish a deposit, be sure to reboot the terminal is running advisor.
CAUTION When configuring advisor, consider the 5-digit and 4-digit rates.
CAUTION Ask your broker how many at a time, you can open the maximum volume in lots (?), Some brokers have a limit (2, 50, 100 ... lots).

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 Форекс каталог

Уведомление о рисках: маржинальная торговля сопряжена с рисками. Перед началом торговли убедитесь в том, что Вы полностью понимаете, какие риски несет в себе торговля на валютном рынке, с учетом Вашего опыта и уровня знаний в финансовой сфере. Стоит осознавать, что советники которые я продаю не являются стопроцентной гарантией в получении в дальнейшем прибыли, советники только помогают вам торговать и зарабатывать на валютном рынке. Необходимо учитывать риски при торговли и грамотно управлять своими финансовыми портфелями.