Description of trading strategies advisor ZET_v9
Templates Templates settings, all settings for the 4 signs for 5 characters must be "Min. Distance between orders" add 0.
The templates to define the input for the indicator MA, using optimization of ZigZag will go hard, fast track optimization recommended it to model "Control points (a very crude method ...)" after optimization to test for the "Every tick (the most precise ...) "and choose a smooth graph.
How to install a template for optimization, see Set the test pattern in the Advisor
1 - Standard option settings. The direction of the entrance of the indicator MA Hard starting lot size of 0.01 to $ 100. template to optimizeset
15м. ,
Including an increase in MM (automatic increase in the size of the lot starting with an increase in the rate of profit on $ 0.01 lot 100). template to optimize - set
The algorithm includes a standard
Hard starting lot size of 0.01 to $ 100.
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield on foot, taking into account the size of the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA itself automatically calculate the amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective order.
Calculation of lowering profits at the turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order concerning changing direction indicator
The indicator is calculated for the MA direction input order.
2 - Standard option settings. The direction of the entrance of the indicator MA
Closing of the order by changing the trend indicator. template to optimize
- set
The algorithm includes a standard
Including an increase in MM (automatic increase in the size of the lot starting with an increase in the rate of profit on $ 0.01 lot 100).
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield on foot, taking into account the size of the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA itself automatically calculate the amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective order.
Calculation of lowering profits at the turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order concerning changing direction indicator
The indicator is calculated for the MA direction input order.
- Standard option settings. The
direction of the entrance of the
indicator MA
If the light is turned not open the
protective order.
template to optimize
- set
The algorithm includes a standard
Including an increase in MM (automatic
increase in the size of the lot starting
with an increase in the rate of profit
on $ 0.01 lot 100).
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield
on foot, taking into account the size of
the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade
more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA
itself automatically calculate the
amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective
Calculation of lowering profits at the
turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order
concerning changing direction indicator
The indicator is calculated for the MA
direction input order.
- Standard option settings.
Log in direction of ZigZag
template to optimize-set
Аalgorithm is the entrance to the next
Including an increase in MM (automatic
increase in the size of the lot starting
with an increase in the rate of profit
on $ 0.01 lot 100).
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield
on foot, taking into account the size of
the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade
more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA
itself automatically calculate the
amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective
Calculation of lowering profits at the
turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order
concerning changing direction indicator
Calculation of the ZigZag indicator for
the direction of entry of the order.
- Standard option settings.
Entrance to the next bar after the tops
of ZigZag
template to optimize -
The algorithm is the entrance to the
next bar
Including an increase in MM (automatic
increase in the size of the lot starting
with an increase in the rate of profit
on $ 0.01 lot 100).
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield
on foot, taking into account the size of
the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade
more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA
itself automatically calculate the
amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective
Calculation of lowering profits at the
turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order
concerning changing direction indicator
Calculation of the ZigZag indicator for
the direction of entry of the order.
6 -
Standard option settings.
Entrance to the corridor from the top of
the indentation of ZigZag
template to optimize - set
The algorithm is the entrance to the
corridor settings for 4 characters to 5
characters add 0
Including an increase in MM (automatic
increase in the size of the lot starting
with an increase in the rate of profit
on $ 0.01 lot 100).
Calculation of the drawdown, the yield
on foot, taking into account the size of
the deposit.
% Growth target profit
0.01 profit per lot, if used to trade
more than 0.01 starting lot, the EA
itself automatically calculate the
amount of profit.
The minimum distance for a protective
Calculation of lowering profits at the
turn indicator.
Calculation of dynamic protective order
concerning changing direction indicator
The indicator is calculated for the MA
direction input order.
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Уведомление о рисках: маржинальная торговля сопряжена с рисками. Перед началом торговли убедитесь в том, что Вы полностью понимаете, какие риски несет в себе торговля на валютном рынке, с учетом Вашего опыта и уровня знаний в финансовой сфере. Стоит осознавать, что советники которые я продаю не являются стопроцентной гарантией в получении в дальнейшем прибыли, советники только помогают вам торговать и зарабатывать на валютном рынке. Необходимо учитывать риски при торговли и грамотно управлять своими финансовыми портфелями.