How to work with forex advisor ZET


Description of settings commands

All configuration commands are specified contingencies.
Depending on the version you have purchased Advisor

You get the opportunity to make certain settings.
Description versions Advisor section

Templates for ZET - Optimization

  Basic Concepts
Installation Advisor in MT4 is not under the Administrator (VPS)
Verifies that the advisor
Requirements to account
Description of settings commands
Templates, strategy
Rules for optimization
Optimized test data
Templates for ZET - Optimization
Save the template test
Do on the test pattern from the archive
Set the test pattern in the Advisor
Strategy Bowstring
Time News
Terms of trade during the holiday season
Additional Information
Questions and Answers

CAUTION Advisor uses ZET_vA8 license code for one account, without this expert will not be traded. If you have installed a licensed advisor at no expense, a window appears stating that it "ERROR! Wrong account. ".
Advisor LZET_vA8 very easily optimized, each pair is optimized separately

Description Team Settings

The algorithm input: This setting is used if the indicator is used to enter ZigZag

   Standard: if the top of the indicator below the EA will open all subsequent orders to buy immediately after the close on profit
    The next bar: if the vertex indicator below the EA will open all subsequent orders to buy immediately after the close on profit.

   In the corridor: in this case exhibited "entry corridor (in points) = 20" and the entry will be made in the corridor from the top


Entrance corridor (in points) = 0
entry will be made in the corridor from the top


6 7 8 9

The lot size of the first input=0,01
This version of the adviser does not mean an automatic increase in the size of the lot, taking into account the profits, this sets the lot size of 0.01 to $ 100 (this is the minimum deposit)

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Traded amount (If the depot% = 0)=100
If you specify the size of the traded amount is% drawdown will be considered by a specific amount

  7 8 9

Percentage depot for proportional calculation=100
The size of the deposit is taken% to trade at a particular currency pair. For example, we have $ 1000 set of 50 percent, then the calculation bedet go from $ 500 or drawdown of the foot will also be calculated from the same amount.

  7 8 9 The daily rate of return %=20
Sets the percentage of the profit from the deposit to which there is a trade and after receiving the day of the profits advisor ceases to trade and trade resumes the next day.
  7 8 9 The smallest unit of the lot for the calculation=0.01
This is a calculation to automatically increase the lot size, the default setting of 0.01
  7 8 9 The amount of the minimum unit of the lot=100
This is a calculation to automatically increase the size of the lot, if you put 100 per round sum for which there is a trade established the first lot is 0.01. Example of our trading amount is $ 500, the amount of the minimum unit of the lot is worth 100, so advisor will open its first exhibition of 0.05
6 7 8 9 Max allowable loss in% deposit=80
It is recommended for tests (optimization) to use size from 50-80 foot
6 7 8 9

Profit for the fixed lot, enough to cover areas
Indicate the total profits regardless of the number of lots.
According to this, if we put the first lot size of 0.05, and the calculation of earnings per 0.01 lot is $ 3, we 3 * 5 = 15, it will be our target profit of 15 $ 0.05 bid, then in Profit graph for a fixed lot, set of 15

6 7 8 9

% Growth target profit=20
Starting from the second protective order size Profits increased proportional to the set%, this function is important, because at the time the order closing price moves and the time the instruction for closing and closing moments of real time passes and if the price does not move in the direction of the increase in profits perfectly compensates oscillation price

  7 8 9

Profit when the MM 0.01 Lot=3
If the EA is used automatically increase the lot size in this case is taken to the profit of 0.01 lot. Therefore, if trade is conducted 0.05 lots that those profits will be increased fivefold.

6 7 8 9 C of the order to start increasing the purpose?=2
Define with any protective order increases the size of the increase in profit. Example if we% growth target profit = 20 and an increase in costs from the second order, this means that the second warrant adviser to increase profit margins by 20%
6 7 8 9 Limit orders in each direction=9
The maximum number of protective orders opened in one direction
If the price does not go in the direction of the entrance, the adviser puts protective order in this case is a restriction on the number of protective orders
6 7 8 9

Min distance between orders=7
The minimum distance between orders. In paragraphs.
      0 to 4 digits, recommendation of 7 to 80
      5 to 00 characters, the recommendation of 70 to 800

    8 9

Output instead of topping up?= false
If the light is turned, the next minimum distance where he exhibited a protective order, the adviser forced to close and open the warrant failed in the direction indicator.

    8 9 % Reduction target profit=25
If there is a 0 then triggered an increase in the standard profit +% growth target profit
If you set for example 50, the size of the planned profit from a series of orders decreased by 50%.
This feature is useful for when there is an adverse movement in the price, reduced rebound to exit the position.
    8 9 % Increase in the distance between the orders (against signal)=20
If the value is positive then after the price breaks MA minimum distance increases by% which indicates. For example, a minimum distance of 100 and put 50 percent, after the breakdown of the MA will be a minimum distance of 150

If the value is negative, any value eg -10
If AI has broken the price, protective orders do not open until the indicator light will turn around and will not meet the minimum distance between the orders. Protective orders offer much less that can dramatically reduce the risks.

6 7 8 9

% Increase in the distance between the orders (signal)=50
This function allows you to extend the minimum distance between the protective order, together with a dynamic step for protective order, the algorithm dramatically reduces the percentage of drawdowns on the deposit. Measured as a percentage.

    8 9 Permit trade in both directions?
If the price does not go in the direction of the entrance, and the indicator turned, the advisor can open the opposite order, and thus trade in both directions.
6 7 8 9 Start increment lot (number of orders)=2
This feature applies to protective orders. In this case, we set up a number of the order from which will be exhibited protective order with the number of lots
6 7 8 9 Pause after minimizing network=10
After closing orders advisor waits stopped a number of minutes.
6 7 8 9 Stop trading after losing network?=true
If the order is closed to stop the EA stops, is an important parameter allows you to trade with a deposit of not less than was planned.
Trading Hours
6 7 8 9 Working time 1st trading session=00:10-20:00
Establishes a temporary corridor where trades Advisor
6 7 8 9 Closing time on b / y for the 1st session=23:00
If at this point the adviser has been positive, all orders are closed, if the advisor is in the negative zone, the adviser continues to trade until the exit for bezubytka.
CAUTION Closing time on b / y must be greater than the operating time of the trading session, or adviser to open an order immediately begin to close it.
6 7 8 9 Closing time on b / y on Friday= 18:00
This setting only applies to Friday, if the orders in black, then the specified time they close, if not, continue to trade and open up new protective order
    8 9

Selecting the direction of the indicator:

If you choose to MA + ZigZag that the Order is determined if both indicators show the same direction, as if filtering each other.

6 7 8 9

MA: period=150
MA: shift
MA: method of smoothing
averaged price

    8 9 ZZ: Depth
ZZ: Deviation
ZZ: Backstep
6 7 8 9

Take into account the news?= true
rue on the time of the news. Example, if you set the time trade 00: 10-20: 00, and the news at 12:00, then the advisor will consider it this time and to change the trading session is not necessary.
false is ignored time news and EA trades in a trading range

6 7 8 9 News Time (separated by spaces)= "4:10 17:00 22:05"
At the same time, you can specify a three-time news through the gap.
Example 3:30 or 3:30 or 3:30 14:15 14:15 18:00
6 7 8 9 Minutes before the news= 15
If before the time the news of minutes (specified) in the order plus they are closed, if not then continue to trade
6 7 8 9 Minutes after the news= 10
If at the time the news was not open orders, then minutes later (specified) opens the first order in the direction of the signal.

Settings orders

  7 8 9

Wait for the bar close?= true
Login to produce position after the counselor to determine the minimum distance between the order and in this case we set the input immediately or wait for the closing of the bar. It is recommended to wait for the closure of the bar.

6 7 8 9 slippage=2
6 7 8 9 Magic Number=0001
6 7 8 9 market Execution= false
6 7 8 9

Display messages in the log?= true
If necessary, you can close the information window

Once finished with setting commands start customizing templates

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Уведомление о рисках: маржинальная торговля сопряжена с рисками. Перед началом торговли убедитесь в том, что Вы полностью понимаете, какие риски несет в себе торговля на валютном рынке, с учетом Вашего опыта и уровня знаний в финансовой сфере. Стоит осознавать, что советники которые я продаю не являются стопроцентной гарантией в получении в дальнейшем прибыли, советники только помогают вам торговать и зарабатывать на валютном рынке. Необходимо учитывать риски при торговли и грамотно управлять своими финансовыми портфелями.