How to work with forex advisor ZET


Trading Strategy Bowstring

This strategy can be applied when trading advisor
Advisor ZET_vA8 highly profitable, but there is the risk of profit on this strategy is developed for the advisor Zero, she logic is quite simple, once we get it right we derive profit on non-trading account, thus zero out profits.
      This strategy is based on a method of automatically increasing the size of the lot and the size of Teika. In this case, the calculation is carried out to increase the size of the deposit at the rate of 100% of the profits which is divisible by 3 and 1/3 of this profit is a plus to the deposits, Advisor to amend:

  Basic Concepts
Installation Advisor in MT4 is not under the Administrator (VPS)
Verifies that the advisor
Requirements to account
Description of settings commands
Templates, strategy
Rules for optimization
Optimized test data
Templates for ZET - Optimization
Save the template test
Do on the test pattern from the archive
Set the test pattern in the Advisor
Strategy Bowstring
Time News
Terms of trade during the holiday season
Additional Information
Questions and Answers

    Example: trade at $ 500, not on the trading account we reserve $ 1000 a reserve account for recovery. For $ 500 a month with a profit of $ 850, this profit we divide by 3, we get $ 283, this amount we plyusuem to $ 500, get $ 783, and the remaining profit of $ 567 to derive non-trading account, where before we were $ 1000 as a reserve. Next month we are trading in the amount of $ 783. And so every month, profits divide by 3 and 1/3 of the trading account, and 2/3 on the non-trading account.
     If we have going on drawdown on the account, but this is normal and we should really come to this, high profits without risk does not happen, then we drawdowns from the reserve accounts restore a trading account to an amount at the beginning of the month and the next day continue to trade.

1 2 3 4
01:00-01:10    $  29 743 5949%
01.01.13   $500 -$       162 -32%
01.02.13   $500  $        593 119%
01.03.13   $600  $        732 146%
01.04.13   $800  $        859 172%
01.05.13   $1 100  $     1 480 296%
01.06.13   $1 600  $     1 621 324%
01.07.13   $2 200  $     2 845 569%
01.08.13   $3 100  $     2 989 598%
01.09.13   $4 100  $     2 817 563%
01.10.13   $5 000  $     3 422 684%
01.11.13   $6 200  $     4 378 876%
01.12.13   $7 600  $     5 423 1085%
01.01.14 30.01.14 $9 400 -$    4 651 -930%
01.02.14   $9 400  $     4 982 996%
01.03.14   $9 600  $     2 415 483%

The table shows the calculation for 2013g.-2014., The initial deposit is $ 500, subject to subsidence (two drawdowns) and arrived at the end of the year profit was 5949% that money equals $ 29,749

  Notes to table:
    1 - the start of trading on (date)
    2 - the deposit amount for trading on the beginning of the month
    3 - the amount of profit by month
    4 - Percentage of Profit by month
Advisor may also trade on their own without using this strategy.
The Expert Advisor laid parameters such as the size of the deposit for a particular currency pair, which allows one account to trade both by the adviser, and in the manual or in parallel using other advisers.
The size of the stop can be adjusted by a specific amount or% deposit, which reduces the risks.

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Уведомление о рисках: маржинальная торговля сопряжена с рисками. Перед началом торговли убедитесь в том, что Вы полностью понимаете, какие риски несет в себе торговля на валютном рынке, с учетом Вашего опыта и уровня знаний в финансовой сфере. Стоит осознавать, что советники которые я продаю не являются стопроцентной гарантией в получении в дальнейшем прибыли, советники только помогают вам торговать и зарабатывать на валютном рынке. Необходимо учитывать риски при торговли и грамотно управлять своими финансовыми портфелями.